Increases Tax Relief Income Limit by 50%
More Wasatch County property owners will now be eligible for property tax relief. This week, the Wasatch County Council voted to raise the Low-income Abatement and Homeowner’s Tax Credit income limits by 50% from the State of Utah’s current limit.
Each year, the state sets income limits for these tax abatement programs. In 2024, applicants to the programs were capped at a yearly income of $40,840, in addition to meeting certain criteria such as being 66 or older, a widow/widower, disabled, or experiencing extreme hardship.
The median household income for those 65 and older in Wasatch County was $83,873 according to the 2022 American Community Survey and adjusted for 2023 inflation.
“We regularly see people in our office with income levels that exceed the state’s limit, and yet still struggle to make their property tax payments,” Wasatch County Treasurer Amber Gibbs said. “By raising the income limit, we can provide much-needed relief to more people who wouldn’t otherwise qualify.”
The Utah Legislature failed to pass House Bill 401 in the 2022 General Session, which would have raised the tax relief income limit by about 27% to $45,807. However, Utah county councils are given the authority to provide tax relief in accordance with Utah code, including mechanisms such as raising the income limit beyond the state’s limit to provide for expanded tax relief.
The Council worked closely with the county offices responsible for administering and collecting property taxes to identify this opportunity to provide tax relief and will continue to collaborate with these offices to assess and refine the program as needed.
“The Council recognizes that the challenges of rising housing costs are statewide, not just here in Wasatch County,” Wasatch County Council Member Luke Searle said. “We are committed to taking steps here within the county to offer property tax relief, and also encouraging the Utah Legislature to invest in and expand tax relief programs and to partner with local governments to support residents in need.”
The resolution will be automatically repealed if the Utah State Legislature adopts an increased state limit of at least 140%.
The Low-income Abatement and Homeowner’s Tax Credit programs are issued as a tax reduction, totaling half of the taxes due or the maximum authorized under the code, whichever is less.
To qualify, seniors and residents in need must fill out an application beginning May 1, 2025, and applications are due September 1, 2025. Residents must reapply each year they are eligible.
For more information or to apply, visit www.wasatchcounty.gov/property-tax-relief or call 435-657-3190.